Saturday, December 18, 2010

Leaving tomorrow morning: while I'm gone, don't forget that I LOVE YOU very very much!

To summarize these past months here with you,
all I want to say is thank you 
for being so supportive, understanding,
encouraging, inspiring, and truly beautiful.

Everyone have wonderful, joyous and magical holidays;
may the following year bring us a lot of strength of mind, 
good decisions, fulfilled dreams, happiness
wherever we are and whoever we are there with.
Very Merry Christmas, everyone.


  1. Darling, you've been with me from the beginning, and I'll never forget those comments you would write me back when I had only a couple of followers. Thank you for being by my side on this journey x

    I hope you have the most beautiful Christmas ever, and I'm really really going to miss you while you're gone.

    Look after yourself,
    Love you so much,
    Your friend Adeline xx

  2. Merry Christmas to you too dearie! I can't wait till you return (I can catch up on your blog though!). I hope your break & holiday is awesome <3

  3. I cant wait to hear from you again <3

  4. eating ice cream is not such a good idea, especially on christmas XD
    i hope you'll spend some wonderful days over there, enjoy and come back~ we'll all be waiting

  5. I absolutely LOVE these photos! As a collector of old vintage suitcases I see the beauty in every flaw. Each unique in their own way.

    Love your blog!
