Monday, November 12, 2012

Being defeated is usually a temporary condition; giving up is what makes it permanent.


High hopes for Monday.
High hopes for the week.
High hopes because I know I can.

Terrible weekend food-wise.
Broke my fast on Friday night.
Lost count of how many times I purged over the last two days.
This is going to stop, I don't want to keep doing it.
Not allowing myself any solid food tomorrow.

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I love you, girls.
As I finally managed to get my U.S. phone to work again,
anyone would like to be my texting buddy? Yes? Or yes?
I'd really appreciate some extra support!
And I have a lot of love to give :)

Yours always,


When you feel down, always remember that...



  1. Fasts always make me want to binge, especially if I break them the wrong way :/

    You can beat the b/p monster.


  2. lovely choice of picture.
    and good luck for the week ahead x

  3. Hi sweetie - I'm sorry it's been rough for you. I've had a terrible week as well. Thank goodness for tomorrows :/ we're gonna do this and get to our goals. One day we're gonna get to our goal. <3 xoxo

  4. Thank you for dropping by my terribly dark corner of the blogging world, darling; I'm so sorry you stumbled in at such a horrid time.

    Lovely to meet you.


  5. hope you had a good day, my dear. if you wish you could text me 404.574.8378 but im shit with answering sometimes.
    stay lovely. <3
