Just weighed myself and-- I'm so very happy right now:
the scale showed a number I haven't seen since
I was maybe 12 or 13 years old: 50.6 kg (111.55 lbs).
Can't believe it... I'm so close, so very close, my loves.
I'm aware it probably won't last for too long
(haven't eaten for 3 days and simply will have to go to lunch with
my roommate tomorrow and on Sunday, as every single week),
but now I realize (more clearly than ever) that it is possible;
anything we want is, in fact, achievable. Anything, anything...
I'm so very happy right now... thought I was going to have some dinner
and actually went to the kitchen, but then I realized that if I resist now,
I might see the same joyous number on the scale again tomorrow
morning... and so I put all the dishes back into the kitchen cupboard.
Not going to eat until tomorrow lunch:
I feel I can do it so very easily right now.
I truly hope you're having a lovely Friday.
>>>>>I love you so much<<<<<
It wouldn't be the same without you here.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
And, please, whenever you feel like giving up,
put those cloudy thoughts aside and---
every single one of you.