Pfff. Frustrated.
I'm craving sugar, carbs, and chocolate. I feel so bloated, it seems like my body is clinging to every drop of water I've ever given it and last night I ate like the world was about to end. This all can mean only one thing- it's almost that time of month. I don't even feel like posting my weight today, it's only going to make me feel worse. I'll resume soon though- I have to have the goal before my eyes at all times... just not today.
In the morning, I was thinking about you girls. In my head, I was going through the hundreds of posts I've read and the comments I've ever written and received, and was wondering what happens to the girls that suddenly stop blogging or decide to leave. Do they find the peace they were so eager to find? Do they still have the dreams they once had? Do they still have the same ideals and... do they ever think of the past? With my whole heart and soul, I wish them the best of luck and hope they find what they were looking for... and that they are happy now.
I love you so much, darlings.
Hope you have a beautiful day,
Hope you have a beautiful day,