Thursday, April 22, 2010

Busy, yet Happy.

Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success. 
(Stephen A. Brennan)

Just stepped on my (un)trustworthy scale I managed to bring back from the land of the dead and had a VERY pleasant surprise-- it shows 59.9 kg (about 132 pounds), which means I finally conquered my weight goal 1.. I'm reeaally happy about this; even though I still feel threatened by it, I managed to get under that terrible and haunting line my body drew at 60kg and for the longest time had not been able to get past it (in the downward sense, of course). Now it's time to go on with the plan.. can't stop here, can't stay satisfied. The better is within the reach of the hand. Only if losing weight was as easy as putting it on.. but then, well, everyone would be thin and beautiful.. and we beg to differ, right? When it comes to losing weight and reaching our ideals of beauty, scales are our best friends, yet they are our mortal enemies. 

Had a cup of coffee in the morning and have a headache now, so I guess I'll be having another one very soon. Haven't really been drinking enough water since I got up, will definitely try to be at least as good as yesterday (almost 4 liters, think that's my personal record... my parents would be proud, I've never been too much of a water-drinker) :). Off to a biology class soon, then work, then endless assignments... and, girls, it's Friday tomorrow!! (As of today, 15 days until going home.). Wow, time really does fly.

Have a wonderful day, my loves, we can do this together if we stay determined!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Okay, I'm back.

The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places. (Author Unknown)

There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing a dream. (Author Unknown)

I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday. (Author Unknown)

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. (Nelson Mandela)

Hi sweethearts, I haven't posted anything on my blog for way too long because I was ashamed of how my liquid fast ended up being just a series of fasting, binging and purging, fasting, binging, and... yeah; basically it's just been a huge vicious circle I haven't been able to put to an end. Last week I lasted about 4 days and then went back to my routine of eating/not-eating/stuffing my face with anything within reach. Shame on me, I know...

Anyhow, I am back and this time want to do things similarly to how I did them when I started my blog- document what I eat and encourage myself and you with motivational thinspo quotes- exactly like I did before. Yesterday I resumed my fast and with the realization that I have 16 days left before I go home, my determination is stronger than ever: the time is flying by and I need to lose at least 5 or 6 more kilos. To my present weight- I haven't been able to get the type of battery my digital scale uses and so I tried to resuscitate my old one, with some actual results: today in the morning it showed 60.6 kg: I'm actually really surprised I lost so much weight even though I'm not really sure how trustworthy the scale is with the old battery... anyway, this result really encouraged me: I have a couple more kilos to go and if I keep my self-discipline more strict than I have so far, I'm pretty sure the few kilos can go down before I leave.

Today- two cups of coffee, one or two more I'm still planning on drinking, 1 1/2 liters of water... need to drink at least 2 more liters before going to bed.

That's for today. And- thank you SO MUCH for all your encouragement, my loves, my dear followers. I can't express how thankful I am for all your cheerfulness and support.

Lots of love and- we can do this, girls!